III of Swords

“This artwork is one of those that Giada Zammitti has dedicated to the Tarots, whose symbolism dates back to the dawn of time, and whose origin is historically indeterminable. Some think that it must have something to do with Hermeticism, and therefore with Hermes Trismegistus, whose Doctrine would encompass the Sacred Tradition of Ancient Pharaonic Egypt, the oldest in the Mediterranean area.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that the symbolism of the Tarots summarises archetypes common to all known wisdom doctrines.
“Heart” is a symbol par excellence of the vital, mental and spiritual centre of the human being. The sword encloses a variety of meanings, which vary according to the context; the pierced heart also has multiple meanings, the ultimate one of which is related to the image of the ‘hand’.
As a card, the pierced heart clearly expresses a state of profound affliction, of radical mortification; the clouds, heavy with rain, manifest a condition of bewilderment. The raindrops are sharp, like tears that tear.
But not everything is as it seems. Swords can both confuse and liberate. Rain can be made of tears of sorrow or of Grace.
The visuals chosen by the artist are deliberately hyper-realistic, to enhance the scale of the heartbreak. The sky is blue, while it rains on the red heart.”

III of Swords

“This artwork is one of those that Giada Zammitti has dedicated to the Tarots, whose symbolism dates back to the dawn of time, and whose origin is historically indeterminable. Some think that it must have something to do with Hermeticism, and therefore with Hermes Trismegistus, whose Doctrine would encompass the Sacred Tradition of Ancient Pharaonic Egypt, the oldest in the Mediterranean area.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that the symbolism of the Tarots summarises archetypes common to all known wisdom doctrines.
“Heart” is a symbol par excellence of the vital, mental and spiritual centre of the human being. The sword encloses a variety of meanings, which vary according to the context; the pierced heart also has multiple meanings, the ultimate one of which is related to the image of the ‘hand’.
As a card, the pierced heart clearly expresses a state of profound affliction, of radical mortification; the clouds, heavy with rain, manifest a condition of bewilderment. The raindrops are sharp, like tears that tear.
But not everything is as it seems. Swords can both confuse and liberate. Rain can be made of tears of sorrow or of Grace.
The visuals chosen by the artist are deliberately hyper-realistic, to enhance the scale of the heartbreak. The sky is blue, while it rains on the red heart.”