Blue elegance

“Each mandala stems from an inner need that demands to be satisfied.
With regard to this need, the artist-creator, in this case Giada Zammitti, is both passively active and actively passive. Where true inspiration is involved, the primary agent is always the Muse.

The theme of this Mandala is primarily elegance, connoted by the colour blue; a colour that, in its positive sense, represents conscious tranquillity and serenity.

‘Elegance’ of the soul, of course. And what sentiment best summarises the essence of qualities such as care, graciousness, garb, nobility, beauty and kindness?
Naturally anyone would say that it is friendship and gratitude.

It follows that this Mandala expresses the essence of a friendship relationship.

In the first three outer regions, we see a counterpoint of shapes that recall hearts; they touch at their respective apexes; as if to suggest the indefinite complexity of the relational world.
Also in the last two inner crowns, the joyful dialogue of “hearts,” adorned with playful features, continues.
The core of the Mandala could not be but a flower-star, already described as a universal symbol of primal creative power.
Overall, we see an impressive representation of the beauty and purity of friendship.

If it is true that he who has a friend has a treasure, Blue Elegance is the perfect gift for those who participate in beauty and purity.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

“Each mandala stems from an inner need that demands to be satisfied.
With regard to this need, the artist-creator, in this case Giada Zammitti, is both passively active and actively passive. Where true inspiration is involved, the primary agent is always the Muse.

The theme of this Mandala is primarily elegance, connoted by the colour blue; a colour that, in its positive sense, represents conscious tranquillity and serenity.

‘Elegance’ of the soul, of course. And what sentiment best summarises the essence of qualities such as care, graciousness, garb, nobility, beauty and kindness?
Naturally anyone would say that it is friendship and gratitude.

It follows that this Mandala expresses the essence of a friendship relationship.

In the first three outer regions, we see a counterpoint of shapes that recall hearts; they touch at their respective apexes; as if to suggest the indefinite complexity of the relational world.
Also in the last two inner crowns, the joyful dialogue of “hearts,” adorned with playful features, continues.
The core of the Mandala could not be but a flower-star, already described as a universal symbol of primal creative power.
Overall, we see an impressive representation of the beauty and purity of friendship.

If it is true that he who has a friend has a treasure, Blue Elegance is the perfect gift for those who participate in beauty and purity.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.