
“This Mandala is an exhortation and at the same time an invocation of Strength, defined as interior ardour, strenuous determination and resolve of the soul. ‘Strength’ is, therefore, a call to focus the deep energies of the heart, and direct them towards solving life’s innumerable adversities and challenges.

The graphic pattern of this Mandala, combining the central flower with a spinning pinwheel, expresses the sheer power of unwavering determination; the flower is the force arising and growing, the pinwheel is the irresistible energy spreading from it. Segments radiate from the centre, culminating in small spheres, a sign of fulfilment and success. The central sphere appears as the forge of Sacred Fire.

The black background is the unknown realm of life itself, obscure and unknowable. From the black all the colours of the rainbow, all the stations on our journey, emerge.

This Mandala of irresistible power is an invincible and solar amulet.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

“This Mandala is an exhortation and at the same time an invocation of Strength, defined as interior ardour, strenuous determination and resolve of the soul. ‘Strength’ is, therefore, a call to focus the deep energies of the heart, and direct them towards solving life’s innumerable adversities and challenges.

The graphic pattern of this Mandala, combining the central flower with a spinning pinwheel, expresses the sheer power of unwavering determination; the flower is the force arising and growing, the pinwheel is the irresistible energy spreading from it. Segments radiate from the centre, culminating in small spheres, a sign of fulfilment and success. The central sphere appears as the forge of Sacred Fire.

The black background is the unknown realm of life itself, obscure and unknowable. From the black all the colours of the rainbow, all the stations on our journey, emerge.

This Mandala of irresistible power is an invincible and solar amulet.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.