Universal mind

“‘Universal mind’ is the first themed Mandala after ‘Origins’, which is the starting point of all of Giada Zammitti’s subsequent production.
Every true artist is inspired and is the executor of the Muse’s command; this dictates the theme of this Mandala, ‘Universal Mind’.

The main pattern emerges from a black background, showing, on the right, and at the top and bottom, a tangle of greenish petals; on the left, stray segments wander towards the black background. On one side, therefore, accomplished figures, on the other, undetermined hints.
In the centre, a deep black polygon dominates, showing the same weave of petals and segments; the polygon is streaked with yellow helical spirals that recall the fiery thunderbolts of the suns, creating an irresistible dynamic. Small round and triangular spots hover like satellites around the three central rings, the innermost ring, which is pink, recalls the theme of the ‘Mystical Rose’, the seat of transcendent Wisdom.

The Mandala becomes the epitome of the Cosmic Mind, on the one hand, and of the human mind, on the other.

‘Universal mind’, therefore, stands as a symbol of the human need to break through the cloak of appearances, and offers its energy to the soul’s journey towards its own integration into the Absolute Mind.

Aesthetically perfect, this Mandala is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and strength for every soul on its own journey Home.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

Universal mind

“‘Universal mind’ is the first themed Mandala after ‘Origins’, which is the starting point of all of Giada Zammitti’s subsequent production.
Every true artist is inspired and is the executor of the Muse’s command; this dictates the theme of this Mandala, ‘Universal Mind’.

The main pattern emerges from a black background, showing, on the right, and at the top and bottom, a tangle of greenish petals; on the left, stray segments wander towards the black background. On one side, therefore, accomplished figures, on the other, undetermined hints.
In the centre, a deep black polygon dominates, showing the same weave of petals and segments; the polygon is streaked with yellow helical spirals that recall the fiery thunderbolts of the suns, creating an irresistible dynamic. Small round and triangular spots hover like satellites around the three central rings, the innermost ring, which is pink, recalls the theme of the ‘Mystical Rose’, the seat of transcendent Wisdom.

The Mandala becomes the epitome of the Cosmic Mind, on the one hand, and of the human mind, on the other.

‘Universal mind’, therefore, stands as a symbol of the human need to break through the cloak of appearances, and offers its energy to the soul’s journey towards its own integration into the Absolute Mind.

Aesthetically perfect, this Mandala is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and strength for every soul on its own journey Home.”


A mandala is a sacred geometric design that originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. It is often depicted as a circle with intricate patterns and symbols radiating from the center. The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” and it represents the universe or the sacred space within it.

Mandalas are used as tools for meditation, spiritual reflection, and personal growth. They are believed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, find balance and harmony, and tap into a higher state of consciousness.

The design of a mandala is highly symbolic. The circular shape represents wholeness and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. The center of the mandala is considered the focal point, representing the center of our being or the divine essence within us.

Creating or engaging with mandalas can be a transformative practice, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.